Now thats something out of this world and i think that i would put it up here....
I`ll lift you and walk till home, change you into your night clothes and tuck you into bed when you`ve been too sleepy. I`ll always be the first to inagurate clapping whenever you do something good and be the last one to stop laughing at your silly jokes. When you talk, i`ll listen and listen in the truest sense. I`ll make your interests my passions.
If we ever have an argument , i`ll be the first one to say sorry coz the sooner i say sorry, the sooner i`ll see your smile and i know its not good for my health to breathe for a longtime without seeing you smile. I`ll always train my body to be fit and strong so that when we get old and you have trouble climbing the stairs owing to your back and knee pain and there are no lifts around, i shall carry you in my arms and climb the stairs. I`ll even learn how to drape the saris and apply eyeliners so that you never get late for your office and your parties.
...Just the thought that you might say yes makes me a better and stronger person every day and every me achieving the best ...and allow me to bring out the best in you.....lets create us for "ETERNITY"....
The love proposal to my girl....
Reviewed by Shwetabh
10:07:00 PM

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