Online shopping - the fastest way to save time and money and also its a bit convenient. There are a whole lot of sites spread over the net in India which promise great deals, huge discounts, lowest prices and what not but not all deliver their promises. Some are fraud, some dont ship on time, some have huge shipping charges and some have customer care which dont pay any heed.
I have been online shopping since years now. I started with Flipkart in 2009, shifted from there due to huge free shipping limit and high prices, went on to Infibeam and then shifted finally to Amazon India when it made its online debut in India. It also promised the same things and I thought to give it a try. It did deliver. With the lowest prices across various websites , fast shipping (before the due date) and long delivery timings from 8am to 8 pm , it became my first priority.
During my various dealings with websites, I have always been cautious to deal with websites and however loyal I may appear at first glance, I can turn my loyalties around with a single mistake the website does. Its my money at stake. The latest causalty in list- Amazon India.
Here`s what happned yesterday i.e. 20.2.2014. I had placed an order for 2 books within the delivery time of latest by 6 pm. The delivery person called me up saying that he is handling over the package to the guard of my office. Most courier are dropped at the point of first contact in offices- Guardroom/ receptions. I told that delivery person that I am coming downstairs and will myself take the delivery of the package. He says to me ," सर जल्दी आईये मुझे और जगह भी जाना है ".
In the mind I was , " तुझे जल्दी है तो मैं क्या करूँ? तेरा नौकर हूँ क्या जो तेरे हिसाब से चलूँगा ? ". I was at the guardhouse in the next 45 seconds max. The guard handed me the package and I asked the delivery person where I have to sign? Although I know that 2 signatures are taken- One in the Touchphone device and another in the paper sheet containing the details. He was writing something on the phone and gave me the paper sheet to sign. I signed and left and immediately knew what had happened. I immediately contacted amazon customer care through chat and asked them whats the name of the receiver in their records for the order that has been delivered?
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They told me that its Shwetabh Mathur. Asking for specific to the touch device, they replied in the affirmative. The forged fraud came to light and I apprised Amazon of the situation. That delivery person had signed by my name on the device despite me standing besides him at that very moment. I told them that I`ll be suspending all my future purchases from Amazon with immediate effect. The customer care executive did sound apologetic and assured me that this issue had been escalated and suitable action would be taken, but I am in no mood to relent. Had he entered the guard`s name on the device, I would have said nothing but that would have later created mismatch in the paper sheet and device. It was basically a point of no return. No apologies can hide the forged fraud in broad daylight.
I have yet to hear from Amazon in this regard. I am writing this article to warn you all what might happen with you. I haven`t opened the package still, its still packed. Its not just Amazon, it can happen with any website, any person. With paper confirmation becoming obselete and time taking, all companies have these touch screen devices where a simple sign on the screen tells about the instant confirmation of the delivery and the customer is informed through sms within the next 5 minutes.
Buying online? Beware...the latest culprit Amazon India
Reviewed by Shwetabh
11:26:00 AM

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