
The places where moments reside

10:08:00 AM
This was written one night just after I had the hunger pangs and dreams of having a Golgappa at 3 in the night (or morning) as you deem ...
गोलगप्पा गोलगप्पा Reviewed by Shwetabh on 10:08:00 AM Rating: 5
4:39:00 PM
INS Vikrant - the most powerful Aircraft carrier the Indian Navy possessed, the one which saw action during 1971 for the birth of Bangla...
Heroes: I am Vikrant Heroes: I am Vikrant Reviewed by Shwetabh on 4:39:00 PM Rating: 5
Heroes: The journey till now Heroes: The journey till now Reviewed by Shwetabh on 1:53:00 PM Rating: 5
6:05:00 PM
Thats me- yes thats me Keeping vigil and keeping my rifle even closer as I safeguard  this heaven The heaven on...
Heroes: Thats me Heroes: Thats me Reviewed by Shwetabh on 6:05:00 PM Rating: 5
Goa: The memorable trip #zestupyourlife Goa: The memorable trip #zestupyourlife Reviewed by Shwetabh on 11:05:00 PM Rating: 5