Missed chances can be terrible mistakes which cant be undone in any way. People miss out on various chances due to a variety of reasons and somewhat different and unusual is missing out on such chances due to a non shaven face. Yes it can happen and it has happened with me quite a few times..twice actually and it was all because I seemed to a bit lazy. So here are 2 instances where I missed out on a few chances due to a non shaven face all because of my laziness.
June 2009
The city was Delhi. I had just passed out of my MBA and was looking for a job because the recession time meant that on campus placements didnt happen exactly as we would have liked. I had just applied for a job on monster.com. Nothing else mattered as to the profile, it was a job then and I wanted it as long as it was a job. One fine morning I got a call from a company saying that its an interview and are you prepared to give it? I was under the impression that this might be a telephonic round as I got up late around 8.45 and I had not shaved for the past 2-3 days so there was a quite a stubble. I said yes and then the person on the line said " Ok, make it to this place by 10.15 am. " I was like shocked as the time was adequate for other things things but not when I had a beard to take care of. Being on the backfoot I told them that I couldnt make it that fast and then he said to me, " Why ? You said you were ready for the interview " I said, " I thought it would be a telephonic round". He gave me an extension of time but even then I couldnt make it out from my home on time and when he called me up to inquire I had to make an excuse that my cousin had to be rushed immediately to the hospital so it wont be possible as I was just back from the hospital.
That person was livid on the phone and he said to me that what would happen if he would give me a task and I`ll be this irresponsible and in my mind I was saying, " I haven`t taken up the offer".. The person was a director of some school and I had to take the help of some excuses to let his PA know that it was an emergency and I couldnt have made it and in the ensuing commotion I could not intimate them. Dont worry.. I missed nothing as the PA was a man. A lady could have got me thinking about making it to the interview next day. Whatever be the final result, I really did miss out on a opportunity of a job due to a non shaven face.
March 2010
I was in a company in Lucknow at this time working on a different payroll. Majority of my work was in the field and very rarely we were called to the head office. One day I was in the field and got the call from my senior that the Regional BDM had called all of us to discuss further strategies. As usual it was my lazy `no shave` day and being in the field I payed no attention to the stubble but this call changed all that.
In the office, when the BDM saw me, he told me bluntly, "Whats this?? Without a shave?" and I told him an excuse that worked, " Sir I am thinking of keeping a beard" and he was all ok. This excuse meant that I had to keep an unshaven face for the next 5 days to let the stubble take the shape of a beard. Once more I was called in the office due to some work and I said, " If I had shaved today, you must have thought that it was an excuse that day". Finally I did clean it all up after 2 days saying.. " Its not working". My excuses might have saved me those days but I dont know that how my bearded appearances might have affected my performance review. Maybe or may not a chance missed.
Missed chances: #WillYouShave
Reviewed by Shwetabh
2:55:00 PM

sheer cases of indolence heheheee i enjoyed reading about your true incidence. BTW I personally feel that clean shaved men are more hygenic.. shoot man i missed on a chance of writing about it .. never mind next time ;)