This story is the 1st in a trilogy of 3 real life love stories.
Read the 2nd story : The Dripping Roof
3rd Story: Coming in the near future
“Hold my hand”, Harsh said to Varsha as it was evident from her face that she was tensed. Really tensed.
Their love story had been going on quite a few years coupled with its own ups and downs (the typical nakhras mind you). For any outsider it would seem the typical Bollywood love story in real life. The only thing was that unlike the reel one, this real one was not as easy as shown in the movies.
“You know holding your hand is the only thing which calms my ever racing heart”.
“Oh come on harsh. मज़ाक नहीं. You know very well that I said yes after so many years and am not ready to lose you now.”
“I don’t lose the people I love.. When I didn’t lose you after 8th and all these years, I won’t do it now. What makes you think that??”
“We haven’t told our parents about it yet. I’m working and you are doing your masters Harsh. What if they start looking for a match for me?? How do I stop my parents then?”.
“Don’t worry. I take care of it.”
It was one of the very few evenings when they could meet. Both were local and most important, the families of both of them knew each other quite well. Since childhood, their families were landlord and tenant. Varsha was the landlord`s daughter and Harsh the tenant`s son. He was the studious one when she was the pampered girl. Harsh was the challenge to Varsha’s reign over the neighborhood and that quite irked her. Once during rainy season when Harsh`s slippers had got sloshed with mud and she had laughed at him, he was so angry that he had quite badly caught hold of her hair and dragged her all the way home earning both of them a scolding and the start of a “I’ll kill you” relationship. Varsha was so pissed off that if there was a permission to kill anyone, it would be him.
Once in class 8th Harsh proposed to her, dismissing that to be childhood infatuation she said no. When his family relocated to another locality, the families were friends till then. Her parents adored him and on the many occasions during the summer vacations when they went to meet his family he would be still studying till late at night and on the return she would get an earful of the studious Harsh comparison and would be seething with anger .
“यह लड़का मेरी जान ले कर रहेगा किसी दिन... हे भग्गू (short for Bhagwaan – God) बचाओ..”
Only Harsh knew the reasons why he loved her. He couldn’t put it on paper, but he could feel it inside his heart. He persisted, like his life depended on her. He would roam outside her college, her locality, sometimes even outside her office too. She had said yes after all these years seeing his persuasion and his compassion for she knew that she wouldn’t get another life partner like him. They had been together for years now. The issues were of a very different kind now. Although being the most pampered girl in her family, Varsha wanted to go for an arranged marriage as per her parents wishes but now that she was in love, she was in a dilemma.
“You want to do an arranged marriage and you love me. Would it be okay if my parents came to your house with a formal proposal?”, he had asked her this question she had replied in the affirmative but she didn’t knew how to break this news to her own parents that she wanted to marry a boy of her choice. He in the meantime had told his mother about her and she was more than happy for the match.
Varsha was getting increasingly tensed. She knew that there were talks of matches being looked for her but she couldn’t go and say to parents. One day she decided to talk. Expecting a full on drama from her parents (snatch her phone, keep her supervision for some days types), she did a master reset of her phone so that nothing can be traced between her and him and had also informed him not to call her until she called from her end. Now it was wait and watch. She loved him and couldn’t afford to lose him. As a stroke of luck, her mother came into the room just then-
“ Varsha…”
“ हाँ”
“Beta there is a boy coming tomorrow to see you”.
“Maa I don’t want to get married to just anybody, please understand that”
Her mother thought that maybe she was nervous due to the thought of marriage and she tried her best to soothe her with various reasons.
“Varsha, the boy will come tomorrow. Your papa and I have said yes to their visit”.
“माँ आप एक बार हर्ष से बात कर लो”
This line made her catch something. She got angry and asked
“ सही से बता क्या बात करूँ हर्ष से ? तुम्हारा कुछ scene है क्या ”
This was the moment she was dreading. With tears in her eyes she told her everything. Her mother just stormed out of the room. Varsha cried her heart out and she did not knew if she had done any damage. She went to sleep all crying. In the morning, she was up with attitude from her side saying to her parents that they were just not ready to listen to her. Her parents were busy with preparations for the guests so they didn’t say anythinh. The doorbell rang and she could hear the guests and her parents talking animatedly.
“Varsha, come beta” , called her father .
She had her eyes lowered and she did not want to look up.
“ Hello Varsha beta, how are you??”, The boy’s mother asked her. With a big whirlpool of thoughts going on in her mind, no sound was registering uptill now when she looked up and then all she did was to go and hug her dad in a very tight embrace.
There she was standing in front of Harsh’s family and the smiles on the faces of all made her breakdown with happiness. She didn’t knew how to react, she had no clue. He was not there, probably he too must have felt the same. He came later and his smile told her that everybody knew. She was expecting something different.
Neither of them knew that after he had talked to his mother about Varsha days back, his parents had talked to her parents, bringing a proper match from their side. Last night`s dialogue was a way for a mother to know the feelings of her daughter. Both the parents thought that they both were good friends and so would happily live together, little did they knew that they both loved each other even before they told them.
Today, as Varsha sits beneath the mandap dressed as a bride ready to take the rituals, Harsh holds her hand and whispers in her ears, “ I told you I wont let you ever go love. You are the only thing I could have ever asked for and you would be the most loved one in my life and I intend to fulfill that promise. Trust me”…
Book titles used here –
Hold my hand by Durjoy datta- This is one of the most beautiful book to come from Durjoy and the best one after his Deb and Avantika trilogy. This books presents friendship and love in a most innocent way.
Trust me by Rajashree – The first light chick flick by a female writer which uses Hinglish words in a story, it surely brings love forward in a most funny and a storyline in a ticklish way.
WOW - Hold my hand , trust me
Reviewed by Shwetabh
4:15:00 PM

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