
The places where moments reside

The second chance.. #fridayphotofiction

“Are you really sure you wanna do this”?



“I guess its because I always wanted my 1st marriage to be with you”.

“You do realise its my 2nd” , she said.

“Yes , I do”.

“You do realise Peter that I might not be able to give you all that you want out of me physically in this marriage.”

“Olivia, we can stop this ceremony if you are having second thoughts. I can understand and would totally respect. I got you, that’s all it matters to me”.

Peter and Amanda were classmates in school. They both loved each other but she got married 6 years back to someone else but Peter just couldn’t forget her, couldn’t find someone. When Amanda become widow, Peter popped the question. 

“Why do you want to do this?” he asked

She answered , “ To give life a 2nd chance with you”….

Linking up with Tina and Mayuri.
The second chance.. #fridayphotofiction The second chance.. #fridayphotofiction Reviewed by Shwetabh on 1:12:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. Hmmm. It always seems romantic to go back to one's first love.... but 6 years is really quite a short time...

  2. Hope the couple gets lucky, he for the first time and she for the second time!
    Good one Shwetabh!

  3. Romantic with a tinge of bitter sweet flashback. Nicely done.

  4. May the second chance bring happiness for both

  5. Great story.Everyone deserves a second chance.

  6. Really amazing article...
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