The title of this post might confuse you that in the area of Google and information so readily available what he’s saying? But this is a true incident which happened with me some 13 years back and till date I haven’t trusted the Hindi newspaper “Dainik Jagran” for any sort of career advice and I’ll tell you why.
The small incident actually saved me. The year was 2005 and I had just decided to leave my course of company secretary and was looking for alternate career options. In that era Internet was all dial-up, all the information you needed was because of newspaper columns which used to publish weekly. I had no knowledge that what could be done if not C.S. I wrote to the career counselling section of the newspaper and my query to the idiot counselor employed by that newspaper was that which career options would be okay for me as a commerce grad having just left CS? You know what that idiot newspaper actually published?
With my name and question the counsellor replied saying that all you people care is just fast money without any real effort to put in education or studies. Itss better instead of taking short cuts you should try to focus on studying longer. This was a summary of the response which was published in the next week in the newspaper and created a storm of sorts because all the colleagues of my father told him about it. Even I didn’t knew about this all happening, it was only when my father asked me “ Did you send any question to a newspaper” that I came to know about it.
I was so furious that had it been today`s times I would have surely given DJ a piece of my mind but I let it go. They truly manipulated or god knows what they were thinking while answering it? Having been left in the lurch, I went to a professional career counsellor to get help. Although it had cost me a fortune back then for the session but the good thing was that it gave me 2 choices- The army and an alternative in the form of MBA (which at that time was pretty unknown and which I took up years later).
So after this fiasco I never turned to this newspaper ever again for career related advice and in case you also know someone who is grappling with career path just like I used to be, tell them to stay away from this so called hindi daily..You never know what wrong and misleading info it may provide you ?
Never use Dainik Jagran for career advice
Reviewed by Shwetabh
4:28:00 PM

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