The common joke on the Internet and in the real world at any doctors place which you might find would most probably a slip asking them not to be a certain Dr by reading about your ailment on google and then presume to know more about your ailment than your current doctor. While it might be true in a few cases where people read all about the symptoms and probably declare themselves to be suffering from this particular disease even though the doctor might say otherwise. It always would be a battle between the doctor and the patient but what would you say in case somebody reads up on his or her ailment over the net and decides that the doctor is no good??
This is a very short story about me, my ailment and how did google helped me in getting rid of my doctor. It’s always said that doctors are gods who save lives but now the medical profession has been tarnished and tainted by a few doctors for whom money seems to be the only motive and they are not truthful to their patients. A few years back I started suffering from an ailment, went to a well-known doctor in Lucknow who is said to be a specialist in that field and started my treatment from him. The only issue was that the element only subsided and was not in the process of recovery because allopathic medicines being given to me were not doing the job properly as my ailment used to develop a counter immunity against the meds after every 15 days and my review was after a month. Although I pointed this out to my doctor but all he did was to give me some excuse and change the medicines… The treatment was not cheap, it burned a hole in my pocket by 2500 every month. I trusted the doctor but one day my patience just ran out and I googled for the first time about my ailment as it was written on my prescription.
The first shock came from Google itself... It told me that my ailment was a lifelong condition where the treatment was a matter of luck, it might go away completely or it might not but this fact was never disclosed by my doctor to me. He never told me that this was a lifelong issue and he didn’t tell me anything. Very much heartbroken and angry, on the next review date, I went in full battle mode and when my turn came I launched my verbal attack on the doctor accusing him of hiding the fact. I had been taking treatment for more than a year but he never told me. In his cabin, in front of some for other patients I told him that he was a cheat who only knew how to deceive. That day my only loss was the consultation fees of 500 but it saved me from further anguish.
When I came back I started searching alternate medicine for my ailment and decided to try that. Fortunately somebody suggested to me a good doctor in alternate medicine who said to me that there is a cure for my ailment but it would take time. It’s been some time now but slowly slowly I’m getting rid of my ailment. Although it’s taking a bit longer time than allopathy but I’m content.
Had Google not came to my rescue that day I would still be paying thousands of rupees to this doctor who is no good.
Yes I googled my ailment and left my doctor
Reviewed by Shwetabh
9:17:00 PM

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